Thriving Through Tax Season: The Coaching Revolution for Corporate Tax Pros

Stressed out during busy season

Busy season is right around the corner. Instead of surviving the busiest time of year how will you thrive? After 30 years of busy seasons that never went as planned, I learned a thing or two about thriving. Here are some key insights that I hope will help you have the best busy season ever.

In-house corporate tax departments can be challenged during year-end closes for several reasons. You get information late or need to use estimates because your systems and processes don’t produce data in the format you need it. Your work gets started late due to delays in other departments and your deadline is inflexible. You agonize over making sure your work is perfect because you don’t want the auditors to find mistakes, yet you know it was rushed and prepared in less-than-ideal conditions.  When unexpected issues pop up your ability to creatively solve problems and make decisions is hampered by stress, and the worst part is you don’t even realize you are operating at less-than-optimal conditions.

It’s common to hear about proper documentation and multiple levels of review as quality control measures but the reality is when you’re running late and deadlines approach, the review gets shortcut, and the documentation rarely gets finalized. It’s a vicious cycle that leaves you feeling frustrated and disappointed because you know you’re better than that, but you didn’t have a choice because you were a victim of fast approaching deadlines and limited resources. The full weight of being a cost center, rather than a profit center, is crushing your spirits and you rationalize the lack of healthy boundaries, self-care, and family time, as a badge of courage for “doing what it takes to get the job done”.

I’ve been there, done that. I was in the trenches, living through all of this, and I could not see a way out. Stress has a way of blinding you from everything but the immediate threat. i.e. meeting the next deadline. The problem is that the deadlines never end. They come and go in a never-ending cycle just like the seasons. Well winter (busy season) is coming. What will you do differently this year?

During my last years of leading a tax function I was burnt out. I couldn’t even entertain the thought of living through another busy season. Fortunately, I was able to step away and try a different path. In time, my stress faded, and I started to see clearly. Through reflection, I realized what was missing and more importantly what I needed during all those busy seasons.

I needed someone to help me see the options in front of me that I couldn’t. Someone to help me find the resilience I needed during such a demanding time. From 2019 to 2021 I worked with an executive coach, and she helped me see things about myself I couldn’t. We often used a boat wake metaphor in our discussions. Different types of boats leave different wakes and after the boat is gone, the wake spreads out far and wide behind it. Was I a big wakeboard boat with three thousand pounds of ballast that every kayaker feared, or was I the small fishing boat, trolling along slowly, trying to catch the big one? She helped me consciously choose what type of wake I wanted to leave after my interactions with colleagues. Different situations require different wakes, but the awareness I gained allowed me to be intentional with my interactions instead of reacting in a fight or flight mentality. This led to a positive change in my professional relationships and increased effectiveness in getting my job done. 

Being intentional about how you want to approach AND experience busy season is no different. What would it be like to have the support and tools you need right when you need them? There is no better time to have the support of a coach than when you are in the trenches of busy season.

A coach can help you build resilience. When your workload feels like an avalanche, resilience is your shield. Coaching helps you build an inner strength that allows you to bounce back from setbacks, adapt to change, and maintain optimism even in the face of chaos. You'll learn to see challenges as opportunities for growth, not roadblocks to progress.

When you're swamped, critical thinking often takes a back seat. Coaching shines a light on your decision-making process, helping you identify biases, analyze options objectively, and make informed choices that align with your goals. You'll become a master at navigating challenges with a cool head and a clear plan, even when the pressure mounts.

Coaching equips you with the tools to dissect problems. You'll learn to identify root causes, brainstorm creative solutions, and anticipate potential consequences. Suddenly, roadblocks become steppingstones, and problems become springboards to innovation.

Coaching equips you with tools to identify and manage stress triggers, develop healthy coping mechanisms, and cultivate a calm, centered presence. This isn't just about feeling good; it's about making sharper decisions under pressure, leading with composure, and avoiding burnout. Stress is the ultimate blindfold and by releasing it, everything becomes easier. As a certified Core Energy Coach, my training is centered around helping clients release stress and shift into more anabolic energy, allowing them to tap into their full potential and maximize their chances of success. You can read more about Core Energy Coaching here: What is Core Energy CoachingTM?

I know what you’re thinking. "I don't have time for coaching." It's a refrain I hear often, particularly from professionals drowning in deadlines, managing shrinking teams, and juggling ever-shifting priorities. But here's the paradox: it's precisely during these periods of peak business that coaching becomes most crucial.

Think of it like this: when your car's engine sputters and groans, you don't ignore it. You head straight for the mechanic. Your career is no different. When stress simmers, decisions feel like a crapshoot, and resilience wears thin, it's time for a professional tune-up. Imagine reclaiming wasted hours spent on unproductive tasks, indecision, and stress-induced procrastination. Coaching helps you work smarter, not harder, freeing up valuable time for what truly matters.

I sometimes hear coaching is expensive and people tell me "I can't afford it." Think of it this way, coaching is an investment, not an expense. Consider the cost of burnout, missed opportunities, and subpar performance. Coaching pays for itself by boosting your productivity, resilience, and decision-making, leading to better outcomes and a more fulfilling career. What would it be worth if you could enjoy busy season or have less stress while going through it?

Think of your coach as a thought partner, not a boss. They're there to guide you towards your own solutions, not dictate your next move. You'll gain self-awareness and confidence, becoming your own best advisor and cheerleader.

Investing in coaching during your busiest time isn't a luxury, it's a necessity. It's the ultimate power move, equipping you with the tools to thrive in the midst of chaos, make informed decisions under pressure, and emerge stronger from every challenge. So, the next time you feel like you're drowning in work, remember that's precisely when you need coaching the most. If you’re intrigued and want to learn more, check out this article, What You Need to Know Before You Hire a Core Energy Coach.

Coaching transformed my life and I’m confident it can help you during your busiest time of the year. Let’s have a conversation to discuss what is possible. Schedule a free call here: Chat with Greg

And in case you’re not ready to take the next step, I encourage you to read my free book, From Stressed to Success, The Ultimate Transition Guide for Tax and Accounting Professionals.


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